Do’s & Dont’s for Investment

Sakshi Rishi
2 min readJun 16, 2020

While coming back home today I had thoughts juggling in my head, how this word differs for each one of us. We all do investments some do financial investments and the others are more likely to invest emotionally with people.

But the question here is what kind of investments do you think are the best?

We keep on investing money in stocks, shares, policies that once we are old we can live a peaceful life.

To live that future we keep draining ourselves at work no personal life, no self-care, and no self-worth.

Still, we get returns one day for sure, irrespective of the fact that after investing we barely get one-fourth of what we invest as we forget we will never get back the time which is gone.

What if one day everyone dies?

Where will all our money go and relations go?

On the other hand, we get remarkably invested with other people around emotionally that we tend to let slip in.

In this too we aren’t sure or positive.

How much or what we gonna get in return. No matter what we are investing there is no assurance/ guaranteed return.

So should we do investments?

Is it very necessary to invest-money or feelings?

Are we prepared for all this?

Such pandemics come only to teach us the reality of life.

Life is unpredictable! No matter how much we invest thinking about the returns we. expect one day. There is no guarantee of anything in this world. The only thing we have is now this moment why not live it to the fullest and stop worrying what will happen and what had happened.

Should we not start accepting the truth and face reality?

What today is might not be tomorrow.

“Forever is composed of nows”-Emily

